January 31 - Gimme That Old Time Replay

[Early Egyptians marching towards Diablo Valley College Music Appreciation Quiz 2 (Ancient Music) -- Wednesday, February 5, San Ramon; Thursday-Friday, February 6-7, Pleasant HIll]

 F Lydian and Major (in Bass Clef, with Half Notes)



Major Scale Whole Step / Half Step Pattern (C)

... in Bass Clef, with Half Notes

... on a musical keyboard


Four Texures of Music 

Monophonic - One line of music, strictly performed

Heterophonic - One line of music, freely performed

Polyphonic - More than one line of music, with lines of equal importance

Homophonic - More than one line of music, with one line more important than the others



California (Yurok) - Women's Brush Dance


(background on the dance, but we should write on the music)

(with notation)

China - Entrance Hymn for the Emperor

(Recording and Notation)

(alternative video)

Seikilos - Epitaph


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seikilos_epitaph (Notation)


First session for the Friday Pleasant Hill Music Historians, and now,

to work!

After this, back to the local Repair All, hopefully for work on the errant iPhone camera, but the specialist in question is not in -- should be working at the Vallejo store Monday, so hope to meet him there then...

For now, home on this 27th day of spring, high down 2 to 69 (locally and in Pleasant Hill; Fairfield, 68,; Martinez, 67),

composing page 15

No Exit, Op. 330
    X.  Let Me Be Your Mirror

and ASCAP registering

Esther Xerxes, Op. 78 (1999)...