February 8 - The Long View

 Back on the Sacramento Valley section of the

parallel Pony Express Trail,

presently from Jahn Junction to

Silveyville Striped Pole Mailbox, on the 35th day of spring, high down 2 to 65 (63 in Dixon) -- continuing composition of

No Exit, Op. 330
    XI.  I'm Here Because (page 2)

and registering a string of compositions on ASCAP...

At a Photo Shop, Op. 37
Spectral Preludes, Op. 38
Big Beat, Op. 39
Trumpet Concerto, Op. 40
Mice Suite No. 1, Op. 41
Westminster Tropes, Op. 42
Deploration Passacaglia, Op. 43

Helena Suite
, Op. 44

Also continue...

Book of Dreams, Op. 277 (2018)
          February 7-8 (Possible Coronavirus)
               6am Posting Mice and Men, Op. 45, on IMSLP,
                      Performing Sections of Charles Ives Symphony No. 4 w/
                      SFCCO, Potential Coronovirus….
               8am Divot...