September 2 - Memorial
Second playlist for Week 2 of Music Appreciation -- c. 300-500 words as usual...
attached pdf / jpg to by 6pm, Friday, September 4
Information for Quiz 2 is just under the Egyptian Musicians photo below!
Holding optional Zoom get-togethers, Friday, September 4
6pm MUSIC-110-2568
7pm MUSIC-110-8260
Will send group emails c. 15 minutes before each...
Mark Alburger - Ancient Music (2. That Which Survives)
Details of above, below...
Mark Alburger - Ancient Music (2a. Preservation Hall)
Syria - Hurrian Hymn No. 6; Egypt - Trumpets of Tutankhamun
Mark Alburger - Ancient Music (2b. Harmony and Hymns)
Matt Small - Trumpet of Tutankhamun; Harmonic Series;
China - Entrance Hymn for the Emperor; Israel - Jewish Chant
Mark Alburger - Ancient Music (2c. Spirit of Ages)
Music of Central Africa, Greece, India, China, and Angola
Mark Alburger - Ancient Music (2d. It's All Greek)
Seikilos - Epitaph (14 versions!)
Mark Alburger - Ancient Music (2e. Cantus Firmus)
Syriac and Coptic Orthodox Music; Roman and Ambrosian Chant; Tassin - Dance Tune;
Robertsbridge Codex - Organ Estampie No. 3
Mark Alburger - Ancient Music (2f. World Beat)
Music of Indonesia, South Africa, Tanzania, Mozambique,
Crete, Uganda, Kenya, Tahiti, Zimbabwe, and Ethiopia
[Early Egyptians marching towards Diablo Valley College Music Appreciation
Quiz 2 (Ancient Music)] -- blank copy of same will be group emailed today --
if you don't receive, you might want to check email spam folder! --
please email completed copy (and lecture notes) as attached pdf / jpg to or
my school email, by 6pm, Friday, September 4!
There's actually never any penalty for late notes,
and only a modest one for late quizzes (A- max, rather than A).
Deadlines flexible (until I turn in grades),
certainly not late until I grade, which is toward end of the next week.
I will be contacting each of you individually soon, re scores of Week 1...
Thank you!
Information for Quiz 2
F Lydian and Major (in Bass Clef, with Half Notes)
Major Scale Whole Step / Half Step Pattern (C)
... in Bass Clef, with Half Notes
... on a musical keyboard
Four Texures of Music
Monophonic - One line of music, strictly performed
Heterophonic - One line of music, freely performed
Polyphonic - More than one line of music, with lines of equal importance
Homophonic - More than one line of music, with one line more important than the others
California (Yurok) - Women's Brush Dance
(information with notation)
China - Entrance Hymn for the Emperor
(with notation!)
(information with notation)
(alternative video)
(second alternative video)
Seikilos - Epitaph
(information with notation)
(The lecture playlist-videos of the week, of course, have commentaries and recordings on all 3 above)
Oh, and here's a great link, provided by one of your classmates re Byzantine /
Greek Orthodox Chant -- enriched by acoustics captured in Hagia Sophia!
Work on finishing
Music History, Op. 335
VI. Baroque Music (I. Early to Middle)
d. Thomas Ravenscroft
and take an early-evening break,
walking the
Bryce Greenspace
southwest from Leisure to
Cypress Divide,
on the
154th day of summer,
high down 3 to 89 --
one of only 4 days in the 80's since the astronomic season onset,
along with August 5,
July 2, and
June 28....