September 7 - Surrounded!

A Music Appreciation welcome to Medieval Music I!  6 linked videos below, re notes (c. 300-500 words), as attached pdf or jpg (to or my school email) by 6pm, this Friday, September 11.  Happy Labor Day, by the way, so feel free to take the day off and work harder the rest of the week!

Thanks to those who attended the optional Zoom Get-Togethers late in the last two weeks... planning on similar -- similar time this Friday and beyond as well!

Mark Alburger - Medieval Music I (1. Rome to Romanesque)

Sex autem perficiendum!... (Latin: "Six will make it complete").
The below simply being the consituent parts of above...

Mark Alburger - Medieval Music I (1a. Beginnings of the Middle)
Music of India, Mauritania, Tibet, Hungary, Turkey,
France, North America, Australia, and Japan

Mark Alburger - Medieval Music I (1b. Introit, Kyrie)
Gregorian Chant - Gaudeamus, Kyrie IV

Mark Alburger - Medieval Music I (1c. Kyrie to Gradual)
Gregorian Chant - Kyrie IV, VIII, XI; Psalm 146 with Antiphon

Mark Alburger - Medieval Music I (1d. Gradual to Vespers)
Gregorian Chant - Haec Dies; Deus in Adjutorium
Mark Alburger - Medieval Music I (1e. Pilgrimage)
Music of Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Syria, Palestine / Israel, Tunisia, and Morocco

Mark Alburger - Medieval Music I (1f. Roaming to Romanesque)
Music of Japan, Iraq, Arabia, France, and Gambia


It's on air, so perhaps official, and it is: 112 for the record high of the year, on this 159th day of summer,

finishing the

          d. Orlando Gibbons

section of video for

Music History, Op. 335
     VI. Baroque Music (I. Early to Middle)

taking the Greenspace Walk

in the

Rainier / Nut Tree one,

southwest from the Yosemite Bike Path to

Orange Mid-Cone (about 1/2 way to Yellowstone --

Are we

National Parky

enough by now?)



with a





errand run...