Still at work on
Music History, Op. 335
I. "Prehistoric" Music
2b. In Passing
Gustav Holst -
The Planets
I. Mars
al fresco
on a brilliant day with
views to the Sierra,
the Pony Express
close to finishing filling in the remaining gap on Pedrick by walking south from
Farm Border Parking to
Tree Gallery Sign.
ahead to
UC Davis,
homeward in view of the usual suspects:
Mt. Diablo, Berryessa Gap, Rocky Ridge,
Lagoon / Vaca Mountains,
English Hills, and
Gates Canyon.
High 87 (locally and in Davis),
back up 7 from yesterday --
62nd day of summer --
Dixon, 84... with another exciting chapter of
Book of Dreams, Op. 277
May 22-23
9am A Cliffy Desertic Big Sur, Down Vertical Walled, Slightly Curving to Left Canyon,
View Ahead to Side Canyon Right,
Bit of an Incline to Shangra-La / Eden of Esselene-Institute-Type Hidden Valley,
A Rustic Motel/Inn, Huge Icicles AIso, Take Picture,
Sense of a Refuge from Coronavirus….