May 28 - Snaky


Music History, Op. 335
    II.  Ancient Music (1. Antique Voices of Cultures)
        1a. Winds of Changes
        India - Keralite Snake Charmer; Oboes and Clarinets

Also update

Book of Dreams, Op. 277
          May 27-28
               12pm Alan Crossman Drives Through Giant Canadian Flood at
                    Intersection of Lehigh Circles and Amherst Avenue,
                    Water Waves Cascading Over Rooftop, He Is Invisible for a While,
                    Then Reappears Giddily Skidding, We Are Now Walking on Guregian Side of Street,
                    Towards 325, Boxer House on Corner of Muhlenberg and Swathmore Appears with
                    Giant Dead Redwood Arbor on Back of House,
                    Never Have Noticed This Before, But Think Its Because I Don't Usually Walk on
                    This Side of Street, Approach 325, Giant 2-Story Throughout, w/ Sliding Glass At Front,
                    Sloped Rooves of Second Story, with Tree Trunks Growning Out Top,
                    Reflections of Interiors on Windows, Try to Decide What Key Will Open
                    What Sliding Door…. More Before w/ Other California Beaches, Flooding, Sand….
               7am Musicological Research / Videos, Both Pianos, Shelf by Bedroom Window….

67th day of summer, high down 3 to 101 -- third highest (and same re 100+ temperatures) of year, after yesterday's recod 104, and the day before's 102...