June 17 - Snaking Around

(I didn't have any snakes to charm, so I had to settle for two plastic dinosaurs and an alligator...)

Well.. here's the third playlist, notes as usual by 6pm, Friday, June 19.

Thinking about trying Zoom thereafter, will keep you posted...

Mark Alburger - Ancient Music (1. Antique Voices of Cultures)

A Big Ancient 6 of...

Mark Alburger - Ancient Music (1a. Winds of Changes)
India - Keralite Snake Charmer; Oboes and Clarinets

Mark Alburger - Ancient Music (1b. Piper Dreams)
Palestine - Shepherd's Pipe; Bamboo and Brass

Mark Alburger - Ancient Music (1c. Polyphony and Percussion)
India - Keralite Snake Charmer; Palestine - Shepherd's Pipe; Metallic Idiophones

Mark Alburger - Ancient Music (1d. Dances of Ages)
Seneca - Alligator Dance; Yurok - Women's Brush Dance; Wooden Idiophones

Mark Alburger - Ancient Music (1e. Antecedent of Ways)
Iraq - The Passion of 1,001 Nights; Lydian Mode, Bass Clef, Membranophones

Mark Alburger - Ancient Music (1f. As the World Tunes)
China - The Strumming of an Old Man in a Refined State of Intoxication /
Autumn Moon; Egypt - Zummara Improvisation / Saiyidi Melody; Chordophones, Electrophones


More work on the video

Music History, Op. 335
    III.  Medieval Music I (1. Rome to Romanesque)
        1e. Pilgrimage
         Music of Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Syria, Palestine / Israel, Tunisia, and Morocco

and barely enough light

to walk the

Zany Equivalent

Pony Express Trail,

University of California, Davis, Deviation -- west on Hutchison from Seed Foundation Program to

Agronomy Headquarters,

on this

87th day of summer, high back up 8 to

91 (86 and 89 respectively in Dixon / Davis) --


about on








Book of Dreams, Op. 277
          June 16-17
               4am Trying to Get Out of a Dark Parking Lot w/ Carolyn / Harriet,
                    a Suspicious Car at Distance, Itself Endeavoring to Start,
                    I Notice a Knotted Rag Jammed in Trunk -- Sabotage?  No, C/H Has Put It there,
                    Trunk Won't Close w/o, Now It Will Fly Up, Couple Comes Up to Us,
                    Large East Asian Man, He Has to Say 3 Times "Can I Have Some of Your Drink,"
                    I Give Him Some, Despite Sanitation Concens, Is He About Ready to Steal Our Car?…
                8am Moving Out of the Beautiful Modernist House….