Time to create the video
Music History, Op. 335
II. Ancient Music (1. Antique Voices of Cultures)
1f. As the World Tunes)
China - The Strumming of an Old Man in a Refined State of Intoxication / Autumn Moon;
Egypt - Zummara Improvisation / Saiyidi Melody; Chordophones, Electrophones
including various
to the Pony Express Nearly quickly, walking north from University of California, Davis, Farm Intersection Parking (pay no attention to that sign directly ahead, which we hope only denotes directly ahead)
Hutchison East, which will be the next course of action...
Kick around the UCD campus a bit,
trying to glean a sense of the
strategy ahead (which will be a judicious combination of available parking, views, and location of the actual Trail -- which is often directly inaccessible).
Homeward eventually,
on the 73rd day of summer,
high up 4 to a toasty 102 --
tying for 2nd-highest of season (with May 26), bested only by May 27's 104...
Additionally, more additions to
Book of Dreams, Op. 277
June 2-3
5am Small Video Recording Hand Held, Controlling
7am Meeting at Barbara Kautzman's Beach House, Waves Somewhat High,
Reaching Front Door, Close the Door! A Way to Electrically Seal /
Baracade Front Door,
But Now Waves Are Coming In From Eroding Sand of Foundation,
Almost Reaching Cliff's Baggage, He Sleeps in Alcove,
View of Beachgoers Passing By Outside of Windows,
a Second Sleeping Platform for Lovers,
Large Bald Guy Who Grabs Mud from Next Door Neighbors
and This House's Eaves to Shore Up Lower Level,
Next Door Neighbors Have Abandoned Two-Story House to Live in Riviera,
Where They Have "Rejoined the Elecrical Grid," Before, Walking Boardwalk,
Most Restaurants Closed Due to Pandemic… We Get Pizza,
Re-Encountering Barbara for First Time, Erling Is There Too, We Leave an Area,
Not By Front, Which Is Baracaded, But Via a Strange Open Elevator,
Which Needs Mechanical Assistance to Simply Move down a Few Feet,
Alcove Before This Has Multiple Copies of SF Sunday Chronicle, Abandoned….