June 2 - Continuing Saga

Finish producing the vide

Music History, Op. 235
    II.  Ancient Music (1. Antique Voices of Cultures)

        1e. Antecedent of Ways

        Iraq - The Passion of 1,001 Nights;

                                              Lydian Mode,

                                                             Bass Clef (and a bit on C Clef, including Alto), Membranophones

Metropolitan Opera rebroadcast, and, again,


for the

Pony Express

Just-About --

presently walking from Yolo 98 UC Davis Farm Intersection Parking,


Hutchison Alert Sign...

72nd day of summer,

high up 10 to 98 (locally and in Davis, with Dixon at 95).

Internationally / Nationally / Locally still unrest, with a local curfew put in place -- at the same time, placing the lastest for

Book of Dreams, Op. 277
          10am Refugees, Lying Near Wife, Who Looks Like The Good Fight Lead, and Another,
                 More Glamrous Woman, Somone Tries to Make Love to Wife, She Rejects,
                 Implying Permanent, He Tries the Other, Both Get Mad,
                 Wander About the Compound Perimeter, Which Is a Square,
                 Many Other Adventurous Outdoor Components, Computer / Animation Gels /
                 A Sense of Old Canibal Joke: "I Don't Like Your Mother in Law"
                "Try the Noodles!"…Computer IDs Again,
                 Background Is Inner Coast Ranges from Western Rural Side of UC Davis...